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December 15, 2007


Suresh Murthy

Can we get contact information for that professor and get his / her biographical information? I wonder how many countries (or for that matter how many states within US) has he visited or explored the other countries education process? Any one can dispute another person's view or opinions strictly based on 'Ignorance' - if turns out to be the case, then we should all move on (I would love to hear from that Professor's class kids as to what they think of his teaching skills and attitudes).

Neil - Having seen you first hand during the filming and later in the film screening, I don't believe you have to worry about "lie"...reality is "truth hurts" and it looks like it hurt this professor more!.


I'm curious as to what, exactly, in the film could be considered a lie...

if he perhaps thought that we students were all actors, and I was merely pretending to make snide comments under my breath in nearly every scene I'm in, or perhaps Brittany was just pretending that she really just tries on sunglasses in her free time?

and I can only assume the literature he speaks of is something along the lines of "Why America Will Never Ever Fail and We Don't Have To Worry At All About How the Majority of our Youngest Generation are Functionally Retarded," which, if you get past the slow-paced first few chapters, is a delightful read.

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