A continuation of the TWO MILLION MINUTES documentary film, this blog offers deeper insights into education in China, India and the United States, and the challenge America faces. Now you can join a dialog about what governments, communities and families should and are doing to best prepare US students for satisfying careers in the 21st century.
Rebecca Gomez of Fox Business Interviews Bob Compton
Greetings and salutations Sir,
When I heard Brian Lamb interview you on C-span, I'm sure that I heard you say, that you had also spoken to Mr. Obama about your experience.
Or was I only hearing things?
Yours sincerely,
Chuck Heppner
COMMENT BY BOB COMPTON: I have met with both Senators McCain and Obama and screened portions of the film for both. Both men were interested in the what 2MM showed. They seemed eager to address the issue of America's educational standards, although by different approaches.
Greetings and salutations Sir,
When I heard Brian Lamb interview you on C-span, I'm sure that I heard you say, that you had also spoken to Mr. Obama about your experience.
Or was I only hearing things?
Yours sincerely,
Chuck Heppner
COMMENT BY BOB COMPTON: I have met with both Senators McCain and Obama and screened portions of the film for both. Both men were interested in the what 2MM showed. They seemed eager to address the issue of America's educational standards, although by different approaches.
Posted by: Chuck L Heppner | March 10, 2008 at 07:11 AM