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December 26, 2010


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That's a lot of money for a HS! Are they serious?

FFA Alumnus

Really this is surprising??? Under NCLB, science has fell by the way side! I was in a 3rd grade classroom recently, and the teacher said the students only had science for 30 minutes a week. Why? It was not covered on the state exam. Sad, but true!

The nation needs to repeal it's highstakes testing, if we want to see our best and brightest. Our students are not receiving the well-rounded education that leads to innovation and creativity. The elite schools in my area, where the kids are science genius', offer various courses in drama, arts and music. Why? Creative, innovation and science go hand in hand.

On a side note: Check out the FFA, a growing, agricultural organization that promotes agri-science, in addition to business and communications, and more.


Lets you know where the priorities are!

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